Planet Indonesia


Planet Indonesia has posted 1 job

Planet Indonesia

About Us

Conserving At-Risk Ecosystems and Species Through Village-led Partnerships

Planet Indonesia is an award winning grassroots oriented, 501(c)3 not-for-profit dedicated to the conservation of earth’s ecosystems and communities. We conserve at-risk ecosystems through village-led partnerships. Our model provides community-based services in exchange for protecting and restoring the world’s most critical ecosystems. Planet Indonesia is at the forefront of community empowerment, utilizing a holistic model to help low-income communities achieve sustainable development through nature conservation. We embrace a “bottom-up” approach, helping communities own every step of the planning, implementation, and management of initiatives, as we understand this to be essential for long-lasting, sustainable change.

Our conservation compact approach allows communities to enroll in our programs to receive much needed services in exchange for engaging in sustainable resource use. Through these compacts we administer services in three sectors: education, business, and health. We use communal business groups to facilitate conservation compacts between communities and our organization. Our communal business approach in tandem with these compacts helps communities overcome the opportunity costs of conservation and ensures fair and equitable development in tandem with responsible resource management and stewardship. Our approach ensures adaptable and fair agreements as every conservation compact facilitated through a communal business group is tailored to the specific needs and requests of a community.  We apply this model to primary rainforest conservation, wildlife poaching, First People’s equity over land tenure, and locally managed marine initiatives.

In addition to working with communities, Planet Indonesia has an undercover investigation team that approaches environmental conservation from the top-down. Our team conducts investigations of high-level wildlife crime and works with government agencies to strengthen regulatory frameworks and prosecute perpetrators. We believe that in order to cause true scalable change we must both empower communities to more sustainably govern their resources and work with agencies to prosecute crime rings and companies violating environmental policy.

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