Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari


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Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari

About Us

Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL)/ Sustainable District Association is a collaborative forum of district governments aimed to better implement sustainable development with tangible impact. It is an effort to balance economic, social and environmental protection within its jurisdiction, focusing mainly on sustainable land-use management. LTKL as a forum harness and facilitate multi stakeholders’ collaboration in addressing sustainable development challenges. Aside from aiming for collaboration among and between district members, development partners, such as civil society, academics and private sector, provide critical technical support and expertise. To support coordination and synchronization process between districts’ members and development partners, LTKL Secretariat act as a backbone structure. Although it is still very early days for LTKL, the platform has managed to gain initial momentum, expand network and strengthen exposure to relevant information on sustainability from development network through various fora. For LTKL Secretariat to continue play a backbone support effectively for LTKL, it requires dedicated team who can plan, manage, and support the initiative through convening, technology and communications support, data collection and reporting, and handling the myriad logistical and administrative details.

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