Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)


Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF) has posted 1 job

Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)

About Us

IIEF is a respective Indonesian institution with long-standing experience in designing and implementing various global and national programs in education and capacity building, including significant experience in serving as the USAID contractor for some notable projects. IIEF is committed to promoting the development of the Indonesian people and institutions by expanding access to opportunity, and it offers expertise in scholarship and fellowship management, educational services, institutional capacity building, and testing and certification.

The USAID Technical and Management Support to Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (USAID TEMAN LPDP) Activity is a five-year project aiming to support the scholarship providers in strengthening the capacity to manage scholarships, build networks with US universities, and undertake sustainable system-level reforms of policies and practices. The goal of this project is to increase the number of Indonesians to study in U.S. universities.

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