Happy Hearts Indonesia


Happy Hearts Indonesia has posted 1 job

Happy Hearts Indonesia

About Us

Happy Hearts Indonesia is a non-profit organization dedicated to rebuilding schools impacted by natural disaster and helping communities in underprivileged areas to receive a better education. We are part of the global Happy Hearts Fund which merged to become the All Hands and Hearts in 2017. Together we are active in 10 countries around the globe. Up to date HHI has rebuilt more than 200 schools in Indonesia and provides equipment, furniture, books and other educational materials. We run programs in 5 regions in Indonesia, including Java, North Sumatra, North Sulawesi, Lombok and Nusa Tenggara Timor (NTT). We build earthquake resilient schools and promote the use of local available material to reduce the environmental impact. Our goal is to empower children in underprivileged communities to receive a better education and to eradicate poverty. Through education we uplift the lives of the families and enable a stable economy and society.

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