Request For Proposal: For the Procurement of Copan Self Vaginal FLOQ Swabs®

Job Expired


The Indonesian government recognizes the critical importance of cervical cancer prevention and, last year, declared the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) goal of eliminating cervical cancer through the National Cervical Cancer Elimination Plan (2023–2030). This initiative aligns with the Indonesian Health Transformation program, which emphasizes strengthening preventive services, including health screenings, and enhancing the capacity of primary health care services. Under the Primary Service Integration (ILP) program, cervical cancer screening is one of the 14 priority screenings offered by Puskesmas (primary health care centers). Through this initiative, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) aims to integrate cervical cancer screening into primary health care services to improve access and coverage. USAID MOMENTUM supports this initiative through implementation research to develop sustainable innovations, address primary health care barriers, refine the Kemenkes model, and ensure equity, efficiency, and replicability. This research involves a pilot implementation study on Cervical Cancer Screening Using HPV DNA Testing and Self-Sampling, conducted in East Java Province. In collaboration with Roche Diagnostics and Biofarma, USAID MOMENTUM is committed to supporting Indonesia in accelerating progress toward the 90:70:90 targets for cervical cancer elimination. To support HPV DNA sample collection, the USAID MOMENTUM initiative is seeking to procure essential sample collection materials. This Request for Quotation (RFQ) is issued to invite quotations from qualified suppliers for the provision of specified quantities of Copan FLOQSwabs®. These materials will be used to collect and process 5,550 samples as part of the cervical cancer screening program in East Java Province.


Scope of Work/Specifications

  • We request quotations for 6,000 Copan FLOQSwabs®


The selected supplier will be responsible for

  1. Providing 6,000 units of Copan FLOQSwabs®.
  2. Transport and deliver the product to the appointed locations
  3. Ensuring that all products meet the highest standards of quality and are delivered in a timely manner.
  4. Providing any necessary documentation, including certificates of analysis and product specifications.
  5. Provide onsite training/knowledge product for key staff if necessary.
  6. Provide other related services necessary



ActivitiesDue Date
Bid invitations advertised in Media Online10 – 31 Januari 2025
Bid Process3 – 5 February 2025
Award bid10 February 2025

Submission Requirements

Interested suppliers are requested to submit their quotations, including:

  • Detailed pricing information.
  • Delivery timelines.
  • Terms and conditions.
  • Any additional relevant information.
  • Company Profile

Required Qualifications

  • The company must have competent supply/logistics and transport specialists to handle the product, with a minimum of 3 years of working experience in similar supplies and services for health facilities and other related sectors
  • Offer high quality products meeting or exceeding the required specifications
  • Offer competitive pricing


Instructions For Submission

Please send your proposal to the Procurement Department of Jhpiego Corporation at

  • This job has expired!

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