Procurement Coordinator at KfW Office Jakarta

Job Expired

KfW Development Bank

KfW Group is one of the world’s leading promotional banks. As an integral part of KfW Group, KfW Development Bank carries out Germany’s Financial Cooperation with developing and emerging countries on behalf of the Federal Government. The around 900 staff at its head office in Frankfurt, Germany and about 200 specialists in over 70 local offices cooperate with partners all over the world. Our top priorities are to improve people’s prospects for a better life, to protect the environment and to combat climate change.


The KfW Representative Office in Jakarta is looking to hire a Procurement Coordinator

Indonesia is one of Germany’s global development partners. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ) KfW finances an ambitious climate change agenda. As part of this agenda, Indonesia and KfW, jointly prepare, finance, and implement numerous infrastructure projects in the fields of Energy Transition, Green Infrastructure Development and Protection of Biodiversity and the Environment. The preparation and implementation of these projects require the procurement of services from consultants, suppliers, construction companies, and others. The procurement processes are carried out by and in the name the Indonesian national entities (e.g., Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, PLN) acting as the Project Executing Agencies (PEA) for the KfW financed projects. The procurement is done in accordance with KfW’s procurement guidelines (see: and under consideration of applicable Indonesian rules and regulations.


KfW seeks to complement its growing team by hiring a Procurement Coordinator

As part of the KfW Jakarta Team under the overall direction of the Office Director and in close cooperation with and under the technical lead of the responsible procurement manager at KfW headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany the Procurement Coordinator shall act as an interface between the PEA and the KfW. Thus, the Procurement Coordinator shall contribute to facilitating a fast and efficient implementation of the procurement processes required for the preparation and implementation of KfW financed projects in Indonesia.

The tasks of the Procurement Coordinator include but are not limited to the following:

  • Establishing strong and trustful working relationships with relevant staff of PEA, acting as a first point of contact in Indonesia for general questions related to procurement processes.
  • Facilitating a fast and efficient communication and decision-making processes (between KfW and PEA as well as within PEA) in KfW financed procurement processes, especially between the implementation and procurement units of the PEA, relevant KfW staff (especially procurement expert) and Tender Agents.
  • Facilitate the preparation and implementation of KfW’s portfolio in Indonesia through hands-on support to the PEA.
  • Building and transferring knowledge on applicable procurement rules and regulations on both sides (KfW headquarter Frankfurt/KfW office Jakarta and PEA).
  • Bilingual documentation of relevant meetings of KfW financed procurement processes.
  • Monitoring institutional, regulatory and any other development relevant for KfW financed procurement processes in Indonesia.
  • Represent KfW at relevant, procurement related workshops and conferences in Indonesia.
  • Prepare briefings for the procurement department and the Jakarta office.

Under the overall direction of the office director, the procurement coordinator shall be guided by the respective procurement manager at headquarters. The scope of the position will be regularly reviewed and might be adapted in accordance to the needs of the portfolio and of KfW Office Jakarta.


Requirements and skills (inter alia)

  • Graduate Degree/Bachelor/MBA in economics, infrastructure, environment or its equivalent.
  • Working experience in development financing or in the management of internationally financed development programmes or similar activities.
  • At least 3 years’ experience as Procurement Specialist/Officer working in public sector or donor financed projects with high procurement transactions.
  • In-depth knowledge in handling tenders funded by international donors and of procurement management.
  • Deep and proven understanding of the complex Indonesian regulations and processes related to procurement.
  • Proven experience in providing guidance to and dealing with senior levels of the Government of Indonesia as well as management level of other institutions.
  • Strong analytical and comprehension skills and ability to express those easily in writing.
  • Ability to facilitate complex, multi-functional, cross-regional projects/programs including maintaining relationships with partners & counterparties.
  • Fluency in English (spoken & written) is a must, (basic) knowledge of German is advantageous.


On a personal level we are looking for you if you are

  • Indonesian National
  • Excellent communicator, also in front of larger groups/meetings.
  • Team-player with strong interpersonal skills.
  • Able to work with colleagues and experts with different cultural background.
  • Working in a structured and at the same time goal-oriented way, in which concrete solutions are developed for possible challenges.
  • Highly organised and able to work your way through multiple players of procurement administration.
  • Being able to pro-actively and, if necessary, creatively track and advance individual processes.
  • Continuously reflect lessons-learned into relevant day-to-day business.


We offer

  • Competitive remuneration in accordance with your experience and qualifications
  • A one-year contract with a view to extending it indefinitely.
  • A constructive and communicative working environment
  • Social benefit package
  • Training, also in Germany



We would ideally like the Procurement Coordinator to join our team as soon as possible.


Contact and application Process

Interested candidates should provide

  • CV
  • Cover letter, incl. salary expectations

no later than 11.10.2024 to citing “Procurement Coordinator” in the subject line.


Only applications providing the requested documentation will be considered.

To learn more about KfW Development Bank please visit our website

  • This job has expired!

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