Grants Manager

Job Expired

Project Overview

USAID’s SEGAR Activity seeks to advance Indonesia’s own development goals of balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. USAID SEGAR contributes to the 2020 – 2025 USAID Indonesia Country Development Cooperation Strategy, Development Objective 3: Environmental Sustainability Improved, and Intermediate Result 1, Natural Resource Management Improved.


To achieve the overall goal, USAID SEGAR will achieve the following two objectives:

  1. Strengthened inclusive environmental governance in targeted subnational jurisdictions that advances biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, and sustainable land use.
  2. Increased implementation of environmental and social sustainability goals within private sector natural resource commodity production supply chains that reduces threats to biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from land use.


USAID SEGAR works in four regions with twelve intervention districts:

  • Aceh: Aceh Tamiang, and North and East Aceh
  • West Kalimantan: Ketapang, Kubu Raya, Sanggau and Sintang
  • East Kalimantan: Berau, East Kutai and Mahakam Ulu
  • Central Kalimantan: Seruyan and West Kotawaringin


Principal Duties and Responsibilities

  • Leads the activity’s grant component in support of the activity’s expected results and outcomes.
  • Ensures the full grant award process is executed in compliance with USAID rules and regulations, activity-specific grant management policies and procedures, and Chemonics’ guidelines. This includes managing all stages: solicitations, evaluations, negotiations, implementation, disbursements, documentation, and closeout.
  • Liaises with grantees during grant implementation: Monitors and ensures compliance with grant agreements, tracks the timeliness of implementation, conducts site visits, collects data for MEL processes, provides ongoing support and guidance, and reviews financial reports and payment requests.
  • Coordinates with technical, procurement, and operations staff to procure, deliver, and dispose of material assistance through in-kind grants, ensuring effective use of resources in the last year of the program.
  • Supervises grants officers and/or assistants, providing guidance and support for grant implementation and ensuring a focus on follow-up, closeout procedures, and transitioning activities to sustainability in the final year.
  • Monitors the closeout process for ongoing grants, ensuring timely and compliant closure of all active grants in the final year. This includes verifying the completion of deliverables, financial reconciliations, and the final reporting for each grant.
  • Leads the follow-up of ongoing grants that may extend beyond the current implementation year, ensuring continued oversight, documentation, and coordination with relevant stakeholders. This may include overseeing final reporting, audits, and any remaining technical assistance or capacity-building efforts.
  • Prepares (possibly) new grants by evaluating remaining needs and aligning with USAID priorities for potential new funding opportunities in the last year implementation.


Minimum Job Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in finance, accounting, administration or another field relevant to grant management
  • Minimum of seven years of experience in grants administration
  • Familiarity with USAID regulations governing grants under contract
  • Experience working with NGOs or government entities with activities related to grants development and implementation
  • Experience in reviewing and negotiating budgets, reviewing financial vouchers/invoices, and drafting agreements and modifications
  • Ability to communicate clearly and concisely in English, orally and in writing
  • Fluency in Indonesian

Additional Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience conducting training to build organizational capacity
  • Knowledge of USAID-specific reporting requirements


Duration of Job

The anticipated duration of this job is from immediately until October 31, 2025.


Location of Job

The location of the job is Jakarta, Indonesia, with intermittent travel throughout the country.



This position will report directly to the Chief of Party.


How to Apply

Please submit your application to with the subject line “GRANTS -Your Name”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.

  • This job has expired!
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