Expression of Interest (EoI): Engineering, Procurement & Construction of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems for Sustainable Agriculture, Samosir District, North Sumatera

Job Expired


The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office of the UK Government (FCDO) in collaboration with the Development and Planning Ministry (Bappenas) and the Government of Indonesia, have developed a partnership agreement in the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI) since 2017. The first phase of LCDI was implemented in 2017-2021. Currently, the programme has entered LCDI Phase 2 (LCDI2) for four years. The LCDI Phase 1 focused on the preparation and implementation of the first national low-carbon development plan for Indonesia. One of the major milestones in LCDI Phase 1 is the Government of Indonesia launched a UK-funded report called “Low Carbon Development: A Paradigm Shift Towards a Green Economy in Indonesia” (the LCDI Report). This report has been successfully incorporated into the national Medium-Term Development (RPJMN) 2020-2024.

Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPML) has recently contracted by FCDO, with the British Embassy Jakarta (BEJ) as its client service, as the Supplier to deliver and manage programme implementation of LCDI2 in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia (GoI), primarily Bappenas, along with relevant line ministries and the pilot provinces of the Programme. The LCDI2 programme will support the implementation of the LCDI at both the national and subnational levels to support the Government in achieving its emissions reduction targets outlined in Indonesia’s long-term and medium-term development plan. In specific, the programme covers:

  • Building political support for low-carbon development within and outside of government;
  • Building knowledge and understanding of the LCDI approaches among those who would be responsible for implementing it within GoI;
  • Supporting implementation of the LCDI approaches, especially through provincial and national development plans;
  • Raising ambition to the highest levels set out in the LCDI report.

LCDI is planning to support the piloting of innovative technologies under Workstream 4, the “Innovation and Technology Fund.” This initiative is designed to drive the adoption of innovative solutions that can accelerate the transition to low-carbon development. By leveraging this fund, LCDI aims to back pilot projects that integrate technological advancements with sustainable practices, ultimately contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting cleaner technology alternatives.
Workstream 4 focuses on exploring and demonstrating the viability of these innovations in real-world settings. This allows for scalable, cost-effective solutions that can be replicated across sectors. This approach not only helps mitigate climate change but also fosters economic growth and job creation within the low-carbon technology space.

The objective of the contract will be to deliver solar-photovoltaic water pumping system(s) to meet irrigation water needs in at least one of the two (2) proposed locations in Samosir District, North Sumatra (Desa Pakpahan Kecamatan Onan Runggu, and Desa Sibonor Ompu Ratus Kecamatan Nainggolan) in accordance with the recommendations developed within the feasibility study and approved system design (these will be set out in the “Instructions to Bidders” document).

EOI Summary
The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office of the UK Government (FCDO) funded Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI) invites expressions of interest from qualified engineering firms to deliver solar-powered water pumping systems for up to two villages in Samosir District, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

This document provides a high-level overview of the anticipated project to guide the preparation of expressions of interest. An environmental and social feasibility study, along with system design, is currently underway. A detailed “Instruction to Bidders” document will be developed as a result of this work, containing the Terms of Reference (TOR) and further project specifics, which will be provided to shortlisted bidders prior to the full request for tender.

EOI Evaluation Criteria
Interested firms / companies are requested to provide responses to the following evaluation criteria. Pricing is not included in this stage as it will not form part of the evaluation process.
Project Specific Evaluation Criteria:
1. Provide examples of completed projects where solar-powered systems were implemented in rural or remote areas. Highlight challenges faced and how they were overcome, with measurable outcomes;
2. Provide a detailed explanation of your approach to identifying and mitigating environmental, social, and operational risks in project delivery. Include examples of safeguards implemented on past projects;
3. Describe your proposed project management and delivery approach for this activity, including mechanisms for ensuring timely completion, quality assurance, and stakeholder engagement;
4. Outline any strategies your firm employs to engage with local communities and build local capacity, particularly in the operation and maintenance of the systems installed; and
5. Describe any additional value your firm could bring to this project, such as cost-saving measures, advanced technologies, or unique expertise.

Tender Process
The tendering process for this activity will follow two stages:
• Expression of Interest: 2 February 2025
• Full Tender: 10 February 2025

Please submit your EoI referring to the EoI selection criteria and the attached document with the title EoI Engineering, Procurement & Construction of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems for Sustainable Agriculture, Samosir District, North Sumatera by 2 February 2025 at 11.00 pm Jakarta time.

  • This job has expired!

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